Monday, June 23, 2008

Farewells and beginnings

Well, I've finally succumbed to the pressure and started a blog. And what better time to launch it on the eve of my 10 week assult on the world MTB and MTBO scene! Updates won't be daily like some others, but I'll be filling you in on the races which I'm doing and other cool stuff which I happen across.

Sunday was the last winter ride for the year, yes that's right kids, no more rain coats and booties for this little trooper! It was an earlish start and down to crazy Ivan's to meet the bunch, and what a bunch it was. Ivan, Rowan (both heading off to Europe today), Bellie, Grover, Clacker, Joel, Sam, Jeff, Kristian and Randall made for a pretty horsepower heavy peleton to head into the Dandenongs. With some solid climbing put away I left the others as they headed back off the mountain in the rain and scooted home before getting drenched.
Some of the crew at Sky High (Mt Dandenong), looks like Sam's giving the brown eye to the whole city!

Normally you can see the city from here ...

So it was then back home to pack ...

... two bikes, one box - they said it couldn't be done

In Canada and Europe i'll be rolling on the fantastic Schwalbe Racing Ralphs 2.1, with Black Shark Muds taken along for any serious mud encounters. Racing Ralphs are one of the best racing tyres I have ever experienced; they corner harder than anything else on everything from rocky Alice Springs singletrack to Wildside mud, and zip along without any fuss on the fast stuff.

1 comment:

Jason Jackson said...

good luck mate! Keep us all in the loop.
